vundleからneobundleに乗り換える – jinの日記

vundleからneobundleに乗り換える – jinの日記







Rather belatedly, I wrote (a) 自己紹介っぽい on the intro/about page. Which is currently only in Japanese and probably has errors everywhere (later I’ll post it to Lang-8 or have my tutor correct it, but for now it can just stand as-is), but if anyone wanted to know a bit more about me, there you go.

I started listening to JapanesePod101 again (I say like I ever really got very far with it) starting from the first Lower Intermediate lessons. Kind of hate all the sessions Peter is in, which is unfortunate given he’s kind of the founder and thus in most of them, but his accent is so distracting (in both English and Japanese), and his jokes are mostly awful and awkward. Also kind of can’t wait until I can deal with the episodes that are entirely in Japanese anyway.

But right now I think Lower Intermediate is pretty much my current speed. I’m getting like 60-70% comprehension at normal speed and 80-90% at slow speed before they give the vocab, and unfortunately all these lessons are half in English. So hopefully if I work through all of the lower intermediate material, I can bump that up so that normal-speed listening comprehension is closer to the 80-90%, at the very least.

Plus, it’s nice getting both the grammar and vocab reviews in, since I still have trouble getting some things to stick without ‘real world’ usage. Learning sentences with Anki/iKnow can help, but sometimes it seems to take seeing a word/grammar point in a book or hear it in an actual conversation or show/movie before it really sticks for whatever reason.










金曜日理学療法がありました。昨日肩が少し痛かったでも、今日は絶対にパソコンで使える時に肩がたくさん痛かったです。短い時間だけ使ってすごい痛みが出ました。今Tiger Balm (虎の傷薬?中国のですね)を使えました、だからもっと元気になりました。




I feel like I have terrible grammar all over the place in this.

So I keep being really lazy about reading or recording reading in the twitterbot, but I am still plugging away at iKnow and also waiting for my new books to arrive and now I have two hour-long tutoring sessions a week, so at least I’m getting conversation in. My new tutor suggested I write a short journal entry every week, so I’m going to try that. Output is easier than it was last year, but I still spend so much time trying to think of the right word/way to describe what I’m talking about.

I did realize that I really started getting serious with iKnow in like, July, and granted I was mostly through the step 3 on core 1000 already by then, but counting from there, I’ve apparently finished 9 courses in six months, and I’m fairly close to the tenth. If I can keep up this pace, I might be able to finish core 3000 by December?

Hilariously, it’s still a year away, but I’m already kind of worried I’m not going to be ready to take the N3 by December. Except if I keep going with vocab, and really learn all of the N3 prep book grammar points I have, I really should be okay? And I have a year to get through it all, so it should be fine. But ugh, worrying anyway.





Fixed my twitter account for the Super Challenge and that’s linked in the sidebar now. I’d missed my tutoring for a couple weeks, but I did it yesterday? Which sucked. I haven’t talked in a while, and it’s clear how quickly speaking/writing degenerates compared to reading/listening.

Also ended up ordering more books from White Rabbit, ahhh. So expensive, but I wanted to get more books I could read that aren’t … a strain, basically. The effort to reward ratio on the graded reader set I have and the bilingual texts are just skewed enough on effort to make them not “fun” enough to motivate me to read them. Kinda likewise for HP, though I’m glad I have them.

Anyway, so I picked up some easier sets of graded readers and some textbooks (one set is more audio-oriented, so I’m hoping I’ll be able to do reviews in the car or at the gym or something).