

I feel like I have terrible grammar all over the place in this.

So I keep being really lazy about reading or recording reading in the twitterbot, but I am still plugging away at iKnow and also waiting for my new books to arrive and now I have two hour-long tutoring sessions a week, so at least I’m getting conversation in. My new tutor suggested I write a short journal entry every week, so I’m going to try that. Output is easier than it was last year, but I still spend so much time trying to think of the right word/way to describe what I’m talking about.

I did realize that I really started getting serious with iKnow in like, July, and granted I was mostly through the step 3 on core 1000 already by then, but counting from there, I’ve apparently finished 9 courses in six months, and I’m fairly close to the tenth. If I can keep up this pace, I might be able to finish core 3000 by December?

Hilariously, it’s still a year away, but I’m already kind of worried I’m not going to be ready to take the N3 by December. Except if I keep going with vocab, and really learn all of the N3 prep book grammar points I have, I really should be okay? And I have a year to get through it all, so it should be fine. But ugh, worrying anyway.

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