




I was going to write some long thing about this but honestly shut the fuck up you giant whiny baby

no the picture is right it should be illegal to force people to work 16 hours per day without pay and teenagers really don’t have a choice about going to school they’re legally required to do so

shut the fuck up you giant whiny baby

going to school is a privilege and there are so many people around the world who would love to be able to do so but are denied the opportunity to because they are girls, because they are too poor, because they were born the second child in a country with a one child policy. the point of going to school and doing homework is to learn and if you genuinely can’t see the benefit of that then I really don’t know what to say to you. compulsory education is a massive benefit, and not one that everybody gets to enjoy. you don’t get paid because you are paying to go to school through your taxes. 

highly doubt that you work 16 hours a day, and if you are, then you have really crap time management – another skill school should be teaching you. you get homework because teachers are being paid to teach you, not watch you write an essay for 5 hours. 

if you really do hate going to school and doing homework so much, then drop out and see how far that gets you. I assure you that life will not get any easier – try getting the rent paid with that lazy attitude. you think going to work will be any easier? 

grow up.

what i don’t think people understand, and telling people to shut up and that they’re whiny babies doesn’t help at all, is that although education is great and all, the amount of pressure they put on students is pretty fucking crap.

i loved to learn. i loved to listen and discuss and debate and read history books and write essays so i had no problem with that. the issue that everyone seems to ignore (by suppressing others emotions because “oh my god, someone out there has it worse” which is the fucking STUPIDEST GODDAMN EXCUSE I HAVE EVER GODDAMN HEARD) is that not everyone can handle homework from 6 high school classes along with half the other shit life throws at them.

there is a lot of things that high school curriculum needs to change.

and the whole “you get homework because teachers are being paid to teach not watch you write an essay” why THE FUCK can’t they TEACH ME IN SCHOOL. Homework is not about teaching but rather making sure you were taught properly, that’s all it does. It enforces what you learned so you can pick it up, it does not, in fact, teach you anything especially if the teacher was fucking shit.

and a lot of schools that you claim are getting paid through by our taxes BTW do a shit job at teaching to begin with because they are paid through fucking PROPERTY TAX so if you live in a shitty neighborhood, OMG, you get a shitty teacher who didn’t even teach you shit to begin with.

and no, it’s not about time management. there are kids who are forced into AP classes that actually can’t do anything outside of school to begin with because they LITERALLY DO HOMEWORK UNTIL 2 O’CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING because it’s not poor time management but literally they are working to the best of their ability and it still takes them 6 fucking hours to finish shit.

so before you start going around and calling people big whiny babies how about you realize not everyone fucking runs the way you do and the school system is not some magical fucking wonderland just because we get to learn and others can’t. stop oppressing fucking problems with a magical “YEAH WELL THEY CAN’T GO TO SCHOOL SO YOU SHOULD BE GREATFUL” If people are having trouble fucking going to school, I’m sure they’re so fucking greatful.

Thank you!  I saw this going around my dash, and the ‘grow up’ responses made me really uncomfortable, and this is why.  All of this.

It is a great privilege to be able to go to school, yes.  But not doing well in a traditional schooling environment, or under the tutelage of particular teachers, or because of shit going on outside of school does NOT at all correlate with being ‘lazy’ and having poor time management skills.  There ARE bad teachers.  There ARE people who are very smart and very capable and perfectly able to go on to have successful adult lives who can’t handle a standard public high school setting because they’re non-neurotypical, or have mental health issues, or aren’t challenged enough, or don’t have good teachers, or don’t learn that way, or ANY NUMBER of other reasons.

It is really REALLY shitty to tell someone to ‘grow up’ and ‘shut up’ and be thankful for what they have because other people have it worse.  (Do you extend that same logic to everything?  Shut the fuck up and be thankful if you have unhealthy food that makes you ill because some people don’t even have food?  Stop fucking whining and be thankful that you have depression that just makes it hard for you to function in your daily life because some people are actively suicidal?  I don’t give a shit about how painful your broken leg is, some people don’t even have legs?)  And it’s also really shitty—and potentially hugely damaging—to tell people that if they don’t perfectly fall in line with societal expectations that they’re lazy and destined to be a failure for all time.  Spoiler Alert: Plenty of people who drop out of high school get their GEDs and go on to higher institutions of learning or go in to the workforce or find some talent they weren’t previously able to explore and do FANTASTICALLY.

Fuckin’ great for you if you lucked in to a good public education system, and did well in that traditional school setting, and are now an adult who’s ‘successful’ by societal standards.  Just because it worked for you doesn’t mean the people it doesn’t work for are worth less as human beings holy shit.

On the other hand, I find it offensive to compare school to slavery regardless of the amount of pressure or your capacity to handle it. Even if you are getting the short end of the stick in one area, appropriation of someone else’s experience of oppression is still a pretty terrible thing to do and never okay, and it tends to devalue your argument. I don’t disagree that some people would really benefit from altering the educational system, but I suspected the unnecessary hyperbole in the original argument is causing at least some of the (potentially misdirected) anger in responses.

Outside of that, yeah, school( and work)’s one-size-fits-all policy sucks, and there should be better accommodations for other sorts of people with different learning or activity styles, and assuming everyone has the same capacities you do or else they are just incompetent is pretty offensive, too.