“It also made me realize how much people diminish and poo-poo the real power and strength of female friendship, especially between women, which is either supposed to descend into some kind of male lesbian love scene porn fantasy or be dismissed as meaningless or be re-written as a story of competition. Here’s the truth: friendships between women are often the deepest and most profound love stories, but they are often discussed as if they are ancillary, “bonus” relationships to the truly important ones. Women’s friendships outlast jobs, parents, husbands, boyfriends, lovers, and sometimes children….

…This was a snapshot of what my own deep friendships could lead to: transformation. I saw, on that afternoon, that it’s possible to transcend the limits of your skin in a friendship. That a friend can take you out of the boxes you’ve made for yourself and burn them up. This kind of friendship is not a frivolous connection, a supplementary relationship to the ones we’re taught and told are primary – spouses, children, parents. It is love.”

from Emily Rapp’s essay on the power of female friendship. Read the whole thing. Then (here’s the cheesiest thing I will say all week, but wtf) email/call/hug/thank your best friend. (via emilyisobsessed)

Clothes I’m forced to wear in the majority of MMORPGS

Clothes I’m forced to wear in the majority of MMORPGS



Early in a girl’s life, the toys marketed to her are usually things that don’t encourage her to enter science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. GoldieBlox intends to change that by teaching them while they are young that these fields can be fun — and apparently epic, by the looks of this super-genius 2-minute video. 

If you like what GoldieBlox is doing to innovate for girls’ toys, you could Like them on Facebook. And if you want to see them win a chance at airing their commercial in the Super Bowl, you could vote here. And you totally should

(vía upworthy)

This commercial is awesome.


Minimal Posters – Six Women Who Changed Science. And The World.

I really want these as actual posters to hang in my room. Or office. Or both.