
Pondering whether doing just a week or two at a Japanese language school would actually be worth it. Or if even a month would be. I could probably convince work to let me do a WFH arrangement for a month (or two?), but the question is would it be enough of a bump to my learning to bother with the time and money, and I’m not really sure. I did notice improvement even just from watching TV and minimal contact with people the last time I went for a week plus. But I feel like given I’m in this ridiculous semi-intermediate stage, improvement doesn’t really happen as spectacularly or drastically as it did as a beginner, and it makes it seem like anything less than 3-6 months would be silly. But since I am no longer a student I don’t really have 3-6 months to spend doing something like that, whoops.

Has anyone done a really short stay with a school like GenkiJACS and thought it was worth it?

I suppose partly it’s hard to say if me taking a week or two off and just booking a hotel somewhere (mostly just to readjust my expectations so that I’m not thinking “I’m at home, so I can slack”) and multiple JOI lessons or something to make it a “study vacation” on my own wouldn’t be just as useful to me or something, and cheaper. I do have a week of vacation coming up next month that perhaps I’ll plan to do something like that for (at least for part of it… there are other things I need to get done while I have the time off) to see how it goes.

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