絵本 Reviews: Level 2

Level 2: Mainly hiragana and katakana text. If there are kanji, furigana is given for each kanji. The text is longer but still contains a lot of pictures to aid student comprehension. Japanese native readers would be five to eight years old.

~90 words

I really liked this one. It’s still hiragana-only, and the sentences are really basic, but it throws in a bit of onomatopoeia, the art is pretty cute, and there’s an actual story, which is kind of sweet. There were a couple words I didn’t know, but I was able to figure most of it out just via context and then checked if I was correct after, so that’s pretty much exactly the sort of thing I’m looking for.

~150 words

Quite liked this one too, it was a bit funny and silly. Used simpler words, but more complex sentences/concepts, and it fit well as a landscape format on my phone.

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