
Upside-Down Ads Reveal The Subtlety Of Depression

Singapore-based suicide prevention organisation Samaritans of Singapore recently ran a series of ads which cleverly uses ambigrams to highlight the difficulty in understanding and identifying depression. The print ads feature images showing a positive message.

However, when the ad is inverted, a sadder, more depressing message is revealed.

The advertisement’s tagline “The signs are there if you read them” is printed upside-down so that readers will know to flip the ads over.

It also reinforces the message that it is easy to miss the warning signs of depression.



More gender neutral pronoun graphics. Uh… I have no idea how popular these or other pronouns are so feedback and requests would be great!

I really hate “hir” and have since I saw it, because it seems too similar to “her,” and thus always reads as feminine to me, but it seems like that is what I see people use most often. I’d prefer either “they” or “ey” (I occasionally use ei/em for myself, anyway). Though I think it’s easier for people to remember “they” than “ei”? Not sure.