Hm. I haven’t really stopped studying, but I’m definitely sort of lacking in motivation for languages right now and so it’s all pretty minimal. Just ~2 hours of iKnow a week, occasionally poking at Lingualift, and my weekly tutoring session, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch or read things in Japanese lately or even listen to podcasts/Pimsleur in the car (part of that is a current annoyance with my ipod, so I’ve been listening to NPR). Occasionally I also try to test my memory of the Cyrillic alphabet, too, but those studies haven’t gone any further than that.

My tenso package is at my post office, but for some reason every time I get a package shipped from Japan, they supposedly “attempt to deliver” and leave a notice, but I’ve never gotten a first notice. I always end up with a “final notice” days/weeks later telling me I need to pick it up or they’re shipping it back. Which is extremely irritating when I never get the first notice in the first place. But I can see from the tracking number that it’s there, so I’m going to try to go in tomorrow to get it? Hopefully they can get it for me on my ID instead of needing a slip or something.

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