今週から、友達は家に二週間いますから、あ まり時間がありません。でも運転するときま だPimsleurを聞いています。そしてちょっと漫画も読んでいます。SRSのことをあまり 使いませんけど。

From this week, I have a friend staying for two weeks, so I don’t have a lot of time. But I’m still listening to Pimsleur while driving. And also reading a bit of manga. Not really using SRS practice (in my case, mostly the readthekanji has been absent, but I’ve also not been using iKnow).

Seems like a lot of people like Memrise, but I get kind of annoyed at either needing to use their romaji (and not really being able to figure out how to input certain things in it? Also things like “shi” being an incorrect way to type し and requires “si” which is not normal for me– I always end up using “shi” when typing) or actually switching my input, so I haven’t really found much use for Memrise yet. I do like that their interface is very keyboard-friendly, and also kind of usable on my phone. Except
the romaji/input problem makes it not really usable, so then…

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